Tag: Paladin

sketchmourne: but for reals he can’t lol


but for reals he can’t lol

sketchmourne: CHILDREN’S WEEK! Day 06 – School of Hard Knocks “Baby on Board” doesn’t mean anything in Warsong Gulch, apparently.  


CHILDREN’S WEEK! Day 06 – School of Hard Knocks

“Baby on Board” doesn’t mean anything in Warsong Gulch, apparently.  

alzire: A pair of old blood elf RP characters; paladin is thesushiowl’s and is from the start of BC, while the DK is mine and was created around the start of WotLK. Rude death knight and tolerant, dorky paladin adventure together! I’m still very fond of them. Art by


A pair of old blood elf RP characters; paladin is thesushiowl’s and is from the start of BC, while the DK is mine and was created around the start of WotLK.

Rude death knight and tolerant, dorky paladin adventure together! I’m still very fond of them.

Art by ezroad (well, one of); commission info is here.

artofcarmen: Another single character commission piece. Human paladin this time. ;D Meet Commander Tyresa Morgan. ♥


Another single character commission piece. Human paladin this time. ;D

Meet Commander Tyresa Morgan. ♥

latinwords: I’m getting real tired of fishing you out of trouble, Oliver. freakin wow I have been meaning to draw this for 300 years go me templar Gus too badass for this world


I’m getting real tired of fishing you out of trouble, Oliver.

freakin wow I have been meaning to draw this for 300 years go me

templar Gus too badass for this world