Tag: Lor’themar Theron

benchflip: I’ll tidy this up later maybe. YesIknowit’sawfullikereallybadbut*criesoveralternativeoutfits*


I’ll tidy this up later maybe.


yourou-so-spoopy: Another WIP! Flats are done! Will shade/highlight, background, cute spoopy stuff a little later. Time for errands and a break. My eyes are all caddy-whompus 6__9!! LOL


Another WIP! Flats are done! Will shade/highlight, background, cute spoopy stuff a little later. Time for errands and a break. My eyes are all caddy-whompus 6__9!! LOL

You can blame this one entirely on el-aatmik.

You can blame this one entirely on el-aatmik.

Lor’themar and Arthas must have shopped at the same clothier. We have essentially the same cape pattern.

Lor’themar and Arthas must have shopped at the same clothier. We have essentially the same cape pattern.

Lor’themar for Warchief! 

Lor’themar for Warchief! 

If you look closely at the upper left-hand corner You can see the last little bit of Lor’themar Theron being flung off screen. And Rommath looking… well… Rommath.

If you look closely at the upper left-hand corner

You can see the last little bit of Lor’themar Theron being flung off screen.

And Rommath looking…

