So Tevrugos’ birthday is Dec 27, and for his birthday I commissioned a picture of him w/ a cake from @robinaa. Looks like he’s about to dig into the cake 😀
This one time on Wyrmrest I walked into Silvermoon City on my warlock, and this dude I passed on the street turned his nose up and said “I smell fel magic”
and I was like “good for you dude, you’re in Silvermoon fucking City” but he stopped me and was all “how DARE you bring your demonic taint into our sacred city”
“dude we’re standing on Murder Row, Murder Row”
“no self-respecting Sin’Dorei of any standing would ever dream of polluting themselves with the touch of fel magic”
“you do realize there is a giant floating demon crystal floating directly over your head”
Like what the heck man, what even the heck
“no self-respecting Sin’Dorei of any standing would ever dream of polluting themselves with the touch of fel magic”
All elves that were not okay with fel magic being used to power up Quel’Thalas again were been kicked out by Lor’themar; those are the high elves of Quel’Lithien.
So, even now that the Sunwell has been reignited, complete renouncing of fel energy would at least be hypocrisy and actually heavily frowned upon. Blood Elves made their bargains and own up to them, you won’t see any self respecting blood elf renouncing of their choices.
Saying stuff like that would have gotten you vanished not long ago, saying it now should make you at least a huge asshole no one would like with no respect for their own people.
Anyway, make high elves playable so all this people that don’t even know what a blood elf is can finally cross over and be BFF’s with human paladins. And this is coming from someone who adores high elves (specially since they have gotten more proactive/batshit with the Silver Covenant)
Finished commission for laeran-dawnstrike! Feature his high elf of the same name
I tried to expermiment and try some new things with coloring and something are a hit, some are a miss, but overall I’m pretty satisfied and it was a great learning experience!