Tag: garrosh hellscream

Nothing is mentioned until the Burning Legion shows up again. You got Kil’jaeden and his new hi-def demon army, who’s like, “What you got?” And then Anduin stands up and folds his arms. A huge gate opens. And Garrosh on Arthas’ horse wearing Judgment armor wielding Ashbringer charges out at the head of an army of undead. Anduin puts on a pair of sunglasses. Fistbumps Bolvar.

Sorry Kiango

Stage One: The True Horde

Garrosh, wielding his new weapon with his True Horde and siege machines at his disposal will destroy any intruders. The True Horde join the battle more frequently as the fight progresses. This phase will continue until Garrosh reaches 30% health remaining.

Intermission: Realm of Y’shaarj

Periodically the call of Y’shaarj will transport Garrosh and the players into the Realm of Y’shaarj for 1 min. Garrosh will Absorb Energy from the Heart of Y’shaarj until players have defeated all Minions of Y’shaarj inside the realm and interrupt Garrosh.

Stage Two: Corruption of Y’shaarj

After absorbing the Power of Y’shaarj, Garrosh will heal to full health as Y’shaarj bestows Garrosh with new abilities.

Stage Three: MY WORLD

At 30% health Garrosh will absorb the remaining power of Y’shaarj, gaining full energy, empowering all of his abilities.

Oh, here’s ‘hipsterpotatohead.jpg’

Oh, here’s ‘hipsterpotatohead.jpg’

Someone needs to draw this

Someone needs to draw this

Fargo: So many Warcraft villains are corrupt or possessed. Garrosh? He’s just a bad apple. Everything is a weapon to him. Even the sha.

Why don’t I have a reaction image for “TOLD YOU SO”?

Wow Garrosh, as a blood elf and former member of the the Scourge, my professional opinion is that you need to stop talking. Just stop.

Wow Garrosh, as a blood elf and former member of the the Scourge, my professional opinion is that you need to stop talking.

