Your Result:
green character
Green characters are often hotheaded and brash, unafraid to speak their
mind. They make for excellent leaders and teachers, and tend to be most
devoted to a specific field, which they do well in. They have a lot of
confidence in themselves, and although they can’t always see themselves
positively, they are good about respecting themselves. They have a lot
of common sense but are equally likely to strategically plan something
out as to rush in on an impulse. They often have to work hard to get
others to respect them, and sometimes receive less of it when people
find out who they are. Still, they are not afraid to make others
uncomfortable by being themselves, and are unlikely to waver when
someone wants them to change against their will. They can be brash and
loud, but also very quiet and secretive. Their humor can be a bit rude,
and they don’t always display friendship and affection to the people
they care about in the most conventional ways. However, they’re quite
easygoing, witty, and fun-loving people. They don’t like when people are
flighty and prefer to work with people who don’t quit and stand their
ground. They stand out from others, both because of the way they
approach the world, and because of how skilled they tend to be at what
they do. Some people may not suspect that they are harmonious because of
their blunt nature, but they are surprisingly good and reasonable
diplomats, and can employ a lot of meaningful tact when the situation
calls for it. They may feel a sense of distance or abandonment from
their parental figures, as they often became emotionally or physically
absent sometime in their life. Green characters hate being told what to
do and put into a box, and are likely to challenge authority. They can
be hard to work with at times due to their stubbornness, but they bring a
lot to the table and tend to round out their friend groups. They need
people in their lives who respect them, care about them, and listen to
them, as well as offer them companionship without requiring them to
conform to a certain preset standard.