Thank you! I think it probably helps that I had heard that National Doughnut Day was a thing before that post on tumblr.
bless you for not getting ridiculously angry (like everybody else on this website jeez) and explaining something calmly you’re one of the good ones
You’re a really cool dk who i look up to a lot, when it comes to your tanking abilities. A+ absolute best blood dk, best dk in general.
Thanks anon! Blood DK is probably like my favorite spec in the game now that they have ruined feral druid.
What does Tevruden spend most of his time thinking about?
Fighting things. Possibly murdering them (or Feiyn murdering them while he’s fighting them.)
I thought you were just a really angry person
I always seem a lot angrier than I really am idek why
I thought you were really intimidating but you’re amazing and friendly and kind. I’m truly blessed to have you as a friend.
You’re completely rad and are a completely boss tank. I’m super glad to have been able to meet you and the gang and run through Firelands endlessly.
Oh man Firelands was great
RPing with you was an intent of mine but breaking the ice is kind of hard so I will just continue to take a peek into the IC stuff you post. c:
Breaking the ice w/ Tev is p easy. Just compliment his runeblade. Or his armor.
That your sense of humor pretty awesome and I’m probably going to quietly watch your blog instead of talking to you.
I’m actually a giant dork. >_>
Wait whois tev’s dad
Well it was some high elf dude but then he got himself killed and raised into undeath, so now its Arthas Menethil, Former Crown Prince of Lordaeron, Former Knight of the Silver Hand, King of the fallen Lordaeron, First of the Lich King’s Death Knights,Champion of The Scourge, Lich King of the Scourge.
Edit: Tev would never say “Don’t be like my Dad” IC. It’s just convenient shorthand.