Don’t tell me what to do.
Stop being shitty, Tev.
Could you say Tev’s a pretty chill dude?
He’s not a frost DK, so he’s not that chill. He’s pretty hot blooded in certain situations.
What’s the dumbest thing Tev’s ever done?
Jumped off Dalaran because he wanted to kill something in Crystalsong.
On a scale of 1 to 10 how awkward was Tev’s first time?
After he died? 1.
Apparently killing a bunch of mogu in the middle of a jungle is very arousing for a death knight, and he got caught up in the moment.
Lets face it Tev gets dagged into a bunch of situations and sometimes he literally digs his heels into the ground refusing to move. However if Feiyn is involved in some way or another he’ll just sigh and good with it.
This is definitely a thing that happens. Tev probably doesn’t have to dig his heels in though. Being >7’ and 300+ lbs means he’s not going anywhere if he doesn’t want to.
Tev’s ghoul acts like a dog in its sleep, as in lying somewhere and then suddenly jumps and rams into things.
This is 100% Tev’s ghoul. (It’s so dumb it thinks it needs to sleep.)
Ever get those weird twitches that come out of no where? Tev gets those sometimes and some times he ends up losing an arm or slapping someone accidently cause of it.
I could see Tev’s ghoul doing this, which is another reason he thinks it’s really dumb.
What are Tev’s favorite forms of murder?
- Putting large holes in them with his runeblade.
- Slicing them in half.
- Draining their very life essence from them.
- Watching as girlfriend puts a bullet in their head.
I know the words you tag for your bird posts are other users I think, but I now associate those words with birds… Weird.
How did Tev die?
Well you don’t exactly survive getting a runeblade to the torso, being picked up off the ground using said torso-runeblade combination, and then having the runeblade removed by being thrown 20 feet across Slivermoon.