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Well that explains the thunder.

Well that explains the thunder.

get off garrosh’s dick already: Thrall is a dick.

get off garrosh’s dick already: Thrall is a dick.

What I mean: You are one of the best friends I’ve ever had. The level on which we connect baffles me. I’m so so happy that I can share my interests, secrets, guilt, faults, joys, and insecurities with you in confidence and receive encouragement to improve and keep being better, and I’m comfortable with the ease with which I can reciprocate those feelings and that support to you as well. We make a great team and I’m really fortunate to have you in my life.
What I say: u lil shit

On today’s drive home I pondered whether or not Tev actually feels things other than negative emotions ( anger, cruelty, vengeance, etc…)or if he just thinks he feels other things.

So far I’ve decided that he does but any of his positive feelings are almost non-existant compared to his negative ones. A lot of the time he thinks he should be feeling a certain way and that response automatically overrides what he might be actually feeling, so his reactions tend to be weird.

Thrall is a dick.



He’s been raising his kid in Durotar. The player meets him there in 5.1 when Vol’jin sends you to find him. Thrall even specifically states that he needs to confront Garrosh on this matter at the end of the quest line, but he hasn’t until now. 


my guess is that they overused Thrall last xpac, a couple blues even said as much, and so they tried to tune is down a bit.

However, they neglected to use him as a character when it would actually be fucking relevant and important for him to be there

Yeah I’m not even blaming Thrall, I just wish they had thrown us a bone and had Thrall say something like “I’ve been talking with Garrosh and wwhile I don’t agree with what he’s been doing, he’s the Warchief, and I must make some weighty decisions before confronting him directly.” But nope he’s just going to charge in like some big dumb orc.

Thrall is a dick.





rant incoming.

After doing the new Escalation quests. I noticed Thrall appears to help Vol’jin. Why. Why aren’t you there helping Garrosh Thrall? WHY ARE YOU BACKSTABBING HELLSCREAM INSTEAD OF HELPING HIM LIKE YOU DID BEFORE? Thall you dick.

My orc is FURIOUS with Thrall for only thinking about himself in the face of what’s going on

she’s on the rebel side but she heard his little speech about how horde spilling horde blood was “tearing him apart” and she had to literally bite her tongue to stop herself from yelling at him about how dare he make this about him and his feelings when everybody else is telling him he’s needed on the battlefield

as far as she’s concerned Hellscream can take him, she doesn’t want him :p

Come to think of it, has Thrall even talked to Garrosh since the Shattering? Or even since the fall of Deathwing?

My guess would be that putting the world back together again after it humpty dumptied as well as raising his child and more-or-less running the Earthen Ring keeps him a bit preoccupied. He returns to see what has happened to Durotar with Chen Stormstout and he says “What has Garrosh done with the Horde”. I mean it’s clear that Garrosh has betrayed Thrall’s trust and faith in him utterly at this point.

HOWEVER that still doesn’t stop him from going into Orgrimmar -alone- to to save the Tauren people knowing full well that Garrosh will try to have him killed out-fucking-right.

Why does anyone think Thrall somehow owe’s Garrosh anything, at this point?

He’s been raising his kid in Durotar. The player meets him there in 5.1 when Vol’jin sends you to find him. Thrall even specifically states that he needs to confront Garrosh on this matter at the end of the quest line, but he hasn’t until now. 

anduin-wrynn: Andddd Wrathion emberwhelp.


Andddd Wrathion emberwhelp.

kiango: SWEET DREAMS ARE MADE OF THIS WHO AM I TO DISAGREE? I’LL TRAVEL THE WORLD AND THE SEVEN SEAS EVERYBODY’S LOOKING FOR SOMETHING *whispers* and that something is G O R E H O W L and the lovely Whinecraft got it for me aAAAAA






*whispers* and that something is G O R E H O W L and the lovely Whinecraft got it for me aAAAAA

Thrall is a dick.



rant incoming.

After doing the new Escalation quests. I noticed Thrall appears to help Vol’jin. Why. Why aren’t you there helping Garrosh Thrall? WHY ARE YOU BACKSTABBING HELLSCREAM INSTEAD OF HELPING HIM LIKE YOU DID BEFORE? Thall you dick.

My orc is FURIOUS with Thrall for only thinking about himself in the face of what’s going on

she’s on the rebel side but she heard his little speech about how horde spilling horde blood was “tearing him apart” and she had to literally bite her tongue to stop herself from yelling at him about how dare he make this about him and his feelings when everybody else is telling him he’s needed on the battlefield

as far as she’s concerned Hellscream can take him, she doesn’t want him :p

Come to think of it, has Thrall even talked to Garrosh since the Shattering? Or even since the fall of Deathwing?