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Pretty sure the general consensus is, “it’s the SHAAAAAA, maaaaaan!!!” 
Which is absolutely depressing the hell out of me, beause:

a. Corruption has been done to death in WoW

So how do you feel now that the Word of God states:

“Fargo: So many Warcraft villains are corrupt or possessed. Garrosh? He’s just a bad apple. Everything is a weapon to him. Even the sha.”

tmirai: wulfgnar: Two things that inspired me to draw this lovely drawing and second this piece of writing.  This part: “What it did, was made it so instead of the “I’m going to turn out like my Father,” mindset Garrosh was stuck in, it altered it into “I HAVE to turn



Two things that inspired me to draw this lovely drawing and second this piece of writing. 

This part: What it did, was made it so instead of the “I’m going to turn out like my Father,” mindset Garrosh was stuck in, it altered it into “I HAVE to turn out like my Father.” Suddenly, being Grom was something to HOPE for, to WORK TOWARDS. Instead of his destiny being something that he just let happen, it was, abruptly, something that he had to STRIVE for, to just hope of being half the hero that his father was.” Was a beautiful sentiment that brought a tear to my eye! I couldn’t help but draw this inspired by both the drawing and the writing..! It’s exactly how I see Garrosh.

Love this art and love the thought and musings about the character behind it. I think Garrosh makes a really interesting and deep “villain”, especially when you look beyond his batshit, war-mongering ways. They aren’t without foundation. He has a huge expectation forced upon his shoulders that makes me sympathize for him more than hate him.

Hmm it’s really amazing how much I don’t care about drama at work. Not even to watch.

I really think it’s time to find a new job.

TBH I’ve known this for months, I should just act on it.

rinacane: DK Gaebral


DK Gaebral

p-3a: noobwowplayer: kiango: lightrod: ITS A MONSTER DEAR LORD Not sure if Human or Draenei. Anyway, KILL IT BEFORE IT BREEDS. med’an







Not sure if Human or Draenei.




What The Fuck Were The Designers Thinking Oh Shit Where Does This Layer Of Armor Connect To The Rest Of It How Does This Stay On My Character’s Body How Do They Even Put This On This Is A Load Of Hogwash a biography on drawing mmo armor by me