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prince-wrathion: wrafion tells it how it is Ridiculous. Champion! Fetch me my order from Burger Warchief! Return to the Veiled Stair when you have what I need.


wrafion tells it how it is


Champion! Fetch me my order from Burger Warchief!

Return to the Veiled Stair when you have what I need.

varae-far-out-there: cosplayspvpers: I saw this guy in the Shrine and he looks as if Vara and Tev had a baby together HE’S BEAUTIFUL! TEV! WE’RE SO PROUD Now I want an armory link



I saw this guy in the Shrine and he looks as if Vara and Tev had a baby together


Now I want an armory link


some time ago, Toxicure and I made up a headcanon about Lor’Themar. 

I don’t remember what exactly it was, but it went something like this…

In Vanilla Lor’Themar was just like “Whatever, if C’thun brings his assless eye up here, I’ll bitchslap him.”

Then in Burning Crusade Lor’Themar was all “lets do this shit!” but Kael’thas waggled his finger and told him he needed to do the ruling stuff. And then Kael went batshit and Liadrin huffed and puffed until Lor’Themar took care of the kiddies back home.

Wrath comes about, and Lor’Themar has a grand old time smashing the Scourge into the ground because Jaina insists on trying to redeem Arthas. When a group of adventurers manages to kill the Lich King, Lor’Themar punches the ground in frustration that he couldn’t do it, and the reverberation of the impact wakens Deathwing.

But is he allowed to go after old Neltharion? No, of course not. Thrall’s all “see ya later bitches, Garrosh rules now” and Garrosh doesn’t give a fuck about non-orcs so Lor’Themar flips his fabulous ponytail and lets a fuckton of people go break themselves on Deathwing.

And just as he’s about to step in, a lucky band of adventurers kill Deathwing and saves the world.

But now… with the Sha and the Pandas and all this new shit…

Lor’Themar’s like “hold my eyepatch. Imma kill this bitch. And Garrosh.”

thelaughinghound: I am so fucking far out of my comfort zone with this pose. BUT ITS FIVE AM I’LL FUCK WITH THE OTHER LEG LATER.


I am so fucking far out of my comfort zone with this pose. BUT ITS FIVE AM I’LL FUCK WITH THE OTHER LEG LATER.





They’re -creepy-! Like undead ghouls, but more pristine. I will not fall for their lies! It wants my soul!

*Tevruden’s ghoul Glacierchewer, starts strutting around Lor’themar looking like it owns the place.*

er… I don’t think the Regent Lord meant that in a good way.

No! No! Get it away! What did you use as it’s preservative? Vinegar?! It stiiiinks!

Don’t tell it that, you’ll only encourage it!

That’s new, actually; he upended a bottle over himself a couple hours ago.

sochineya: That’s as finished as that background is going to get My priest Volodarski, who sometimes does good things but is definitely not a good person (and has an affinity for impractical, revealing clothing). I based a character in one of my fics off of him—


That’s as finished as that background is going to get

My priest Volodarski, who sometimes does good things but is definitely not a good person (and has an affinity for impractical, revealing clothing). I based a character in one of my fics off of him— ex-prostitute-turned-healer-priest. :3