What do y’all think, “Daddy’s HRT” because a dude got the truck as gender affirmation, or “Daddy’s Heart” because a dude loves his truck more than his kids and I’ve just been on Tumblr too much
Since it’s pride month I’m going to say. Can we stop making fun of adults who don’t have sex. Not even particularly asexuals, just general people who don’t like sex personally or don’t want to have it for whatever reason. It’s just not great to portray people who don’t have sex as weird losers or naive little kids or whatever, even as a joke
genuinely partially agree with the people on twitter
nobody NEEDS a pillow collection that says “live laugh love”, especially when they are never used as actual pillows
it’s like buying an off-road car as a farmer and keeping it in the garage to only be looked at and admired
having things with form over function in mind is a luxury problem that wouldn’t be a thing in a not classist environment in which you constantly compete with everyone else about who has the perfect life
i also think that if you still disagree, you probably have lost control over your own life choices, or may have never had any
Hey man how’s it going
Oh my fucking god
I see someone here that needs to to spend a little less time online, and a little more time enjoying decorative pillows on their couch.
no moderation at all would be better than this. legitimately. i can block the nazis and zionists and transmisogynists myself, the only time moderation staff step in is to remind me nd my friends that we’re not welcome. they’re fucking cops, they dont serve shit, they dont protect shit, they’re just in it to hurt people and exert power
go into another room and pick up a random object and look at it!!
like really look at it!!!
SOMEONE designed that!!
a real life living person set time aside to design that
you will probably never know their name but you should thank them and all the other designers who make the mundane things in your life because otherwise life would be boring with out them
topping is actually gayer than bottoming because like the top is the one who’s deciding again and again to put his dick in another man. The other guy could just be chilling. For all we know