Author: tevruden

PH in the Barrens: The Crimson Song


So I’m thinking of doing a thing in which I write a murder time for individual people in the Highguard, seeing as all I’ve done is Pent murder times. So here’s one of Ni Crimsonsong kicking ass in the Barrens and giving no shits.

It’s kinda short, and I’m sure I fucked Ni’s character up, but I’m pretty proud of it, actually. First time for everything, I guess.

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Listening to Music from Lilo & Stitch and this somehow enters my mind!

Velen: Anduin, where have you been?

Anduin: It’s sandwich day. Every Thursday I take Neptulon the Water Elemental Lord a peanut butter sandwich…

Velen: Neptulon is an Elemental Lord?

Anduin: … And today we were out of peanut butter. So I asked Father what to give him, and he said “A tuna sandwich”. I can’t give Neptulon tuna! Do you know what tuna is ?


Anduin: It’s fish! If I give Neptulon tuna, I’d be an abomination! I’m late because I had to go to the store and get peanut butter ’cause all we have is stinkin’ tuna!

Velen: Anduin, Anduin, why is this so important?

Anduin: Neptulon controls the weather…

Hey it’s that frog again

Hey it’s that frog again


Just as a heads up, I’m never going to apologize for being someone’s friend. If you honestly expect me to somehow feel bad or apologize for wanting to be someone’s friend, unless they are an outright awful human being, then you can royally go fuck yourself.

i always feel so bad when people leave me nice messages and they’re like “i’m so sorry if this is creepy” like no are you serious you’re not creepy at all have you seen my blog i’m the fucking creepiest person alive