


A one-eyed elf with trust issues constantly drinks himself under the table while his hedonistic friend sleeps around town in an attempt to gain the latter’s sympathy — and get the D.

A stubborn, crowd-shy young woman solves crime with the help of psychotic ghost-carrying pigeons while constantly turning down the flirtations of the resident thief-king who may or may not be a bit of a chauvinist.

And if we’re counting RP OTPs: A silver-haired merman is constantly impressed by a bratty teenage shapeshifter with trust issues and an eternally pessimistic view on life in general.

haha yessssssss to the last one. you said it better than i could

Really old merman is stalked by an ex-lover-turned-vampire for over 250 years before he notices.

A young prince with PTSD and too much optimism argues with an even younger prince who is a dragon and probably only calls himself a prince to look cool

A mage has trust issues with a prince who ends up meeting another guy and killing himself