Certified Lor’themologist: Guuuuys…
No. Just no.
This is part of a larger issue than just a poor little white aratist getting scolded for coloring their drawing of a character’s skin “too light”.
There are ways to not hex-code-replicate the color of a character’s canon skin without whitewashing
If wrathion was… I dunno drawn wearing a baseball cap, skin pale as the moon in the sky, drinking coke zero and cat calling women on the side walk with crocs on his feet, screaming “BOY I SURE LOVE MACDONALDS AND PORK PRODUCTS” that would be an example of genuine (and extreme) white washing and spitting in another culture’s face.
It’s just skin and before you all go “OMG I can’t believe benchflip just said that, she’s so racist” let me explain you a thing:
It’s skin. It’s an organ. People should be focusing on another, much, much, much more important one right now. Their fucking brains.
Wrathion isn’t “Black” His skin’s just dark. There’s no history of racism for him (not in his human form anyway) he chose that skin colour and probably thought nothing of it. He’s not FROM earth. Human history doesn’t apply to this character.You are all associating this character, who isn’t even connected to oppression and unfair treatment of people on account of skin colour with all those tragedies in human history because of his skin colour… And then you verbally attack people on public websites… SOLELY on account of them making a character’s skin sliiiightly lighter than the game model?
… What the FUCK is wrong with you all?
(also I’ve yet to see a WHITE wrathion. So I don’t even know what you guys are even going on about.)
Please stop diminishing the actual issues that people of color have because people are choosing colors that you think are too light (but still darker than most caucasians) for drawings of a video game character.
Or… if you continue to do this, please only draw him as a male without any attraction whatsoever to Anduin Wrynn (or anyone else) because that’s not how he’s portrayed in-game either.