







what’s more fucked up

finding out you’re secretly a robot

finding out you’re secretly a clone

you’re required to participate in this poll btw. i need data

now see if this was a ‘generally’ situation, I’d pick the clone, but in my specific case as someone with chronic fatigue and pain if I found out that I was a robot that means that someone would have gone out of their way to program me to experience both of those things so I’d 100% have to go for robot

See I started with the same logic but ended up at clone. Because why would you want there to be two of this mess :indicates the entire thing:

Where robot implies someone screwed up and now I have joint pain and a mood disorder, clone implies someone said “yes, there needs to be two of those.”

Or, worse: the cloning was imperfect and there is a version of me out there without the health problems. Absolutely horrifying to consider there’s someone out there just like me but successful.

I don’t understand why people are saying clone rather than robot. At least if you’re a clone you’re still a flesh and blood human and it is likely that all your memories of growing up, etc, are real. If you’re a robot who remembers their childhood…

I think it’s a question of what bothers you more. The fact you might not be human or the fa r you might not be unique.

And maybes it’s ego talking, but not being the unique me bothers me a lot more than finding out I have wiring and circuit boards.

see, i voted robot because, like the reblogger above, i would be so entirely outraged to find out somebody built me like this consciously, on purpose, literally made me to suffer.

if i was a clone, 1) genetic whoopsies and faulty cloning techniques would be an extremely believable explanation for *gestures at all of me* this, and 2) i would still be unique, i would still be Me.

even if i shared the same face and genetic makeup as another, or even multiple others, we might be similar, but we would not be the same. we are as much the sum of our experiences, thoughts, feelings, perspectives, and connections as we are the result of the expressions of our biological code, if not quite a bit more the former than the latter.

I’d punch whoever made a robot with a back that hurts.

See, as a programmer I get that, its either ‘back hurts’ or ‘spontaneously combusts’ and you can just put the former on the backlog for he next sprint (Narrator: they didn’t get to it in the next sprint.)

The reasoned trade offs you have to do with programming are wayyyy less fucked up than someone seeing an extant person and just saying ‘oh that fits the criteria, go with it.’