I have a disorder that makes me want to headcanon every nonhuman character with the ability to purr regardless if it makes sense for their kind or not. It’s called being right. With enough research i could justify a tree purring if i wanted to
No joke you guys NEED to get more comfortable blocking people. No more insulting people in public over different blorbo opinions no more making 2k long posts on how whatever ship you don’t like shouldn’t exist we’ve grown past that shit. Consistent posts about shit that make you uncomfortable? Block. Rancid blorbo opinions? Block. Is mildly annoying in your replies? Block. Pisses you off for reasons so petty you could never admit it publicly? Block. YOUR mental health will improve from not being upset 24/7, THEIR mental health will not be at risk of you lashing out because you happened to catch their posts on a bad day, and EVERYONE ELSE will benefit from not seeing the most embarrassing arguments known to man on their dash. “Oooh but they didn’t deserve it-” dude you’re presumably running a personal blog as a hobby not a public service. Who fucking cares.
oh my goddd just like the prestige drama television series The Wire (2002-2008)
somehow this guy was the most considerate carjacker in all of Baltimore. did he pull a gun on me? yeah. but he let me keep my phone and my wallet, and when he was driving away he rolled down the window and yelled at me “REPORT YOUR CAR STOLEN!” (the cops were confused and laughed when I told them this)
I told my husband @beemovieerotica that’s what great about Baltimore, the crime is streamlined here.
the youth today, they have no class. these zoomers don’t understand social cues and good manners. it takes a real upstanding citizen to rob your car at gunpoint and then immediately yell at you how to resolve your current dilemma. that’s called community building
today is my birthday and, for my gift i want you to sit and reflect on yourself, i want you to come to peace with something that’s been hurting you, or something you’ve been afraid of. i want you to do some self care, i want you to do something that makes you happy. i want you to look within yourself and find something worth fighting for and fight for that today, and tomorrow, i want you to live.
My mom never let me cook growing up, and now I’m in my late 20s teaching myself. (I wasn’t able to learn until recently bc I was homeless and broke for most of my adult life) Anyways, I saw someone make shakshuka on youtube and was dying to try it myself. So I made some!! :3 (the eggs are supposed to be poached, but neither my spouse nor I like eggs any other way than scrambled, so I did that gvhbjn)
It’s been really cool learning to make stuff on my own, and actually enjoying the stuff I make. It’s also been great for broadening my horizons with food and trying new things! (Also spoiling my beloved spouse ehehehe)