There was a small trend on Twitter some time ago where I saw people swapping Spyro and Cynder’s respective roles in TloS, and in turn swapping their elements as well. I really liked the idea as a design challenge so I gave it a shot! 🙂
Here are some color alts for what their default designs would have been if the concept of Destiny didn’t decide to make them both chess pieces in a game of fate. A Fire/Electricity mix and a Wind/Shadow mix!
You know the idea that there is some intangible yet somewhat sentient force of “Destiny” in TloS that can just easily pluck you out of the life you would have lived to make you play a part in something else is a tad bit horrifying ngl and I’m kind of here for it
The other annoying thing about that “don’t use glaze, they’re grifters” post is the sheer hypocrisy?
Like the two points they make are:
– Glaze stole GPL’ed code, that’s wrong
– Artists should get used to having their art stolen.
So which is it?
If its wrong that GPL’ed code got used without properly adhering to the license, why is it that artists should get used to having their own work without authorization?
the darling Glaze “anti-ai” watermarking system is a grift that stole code/violated GPL license (that the creator admits to). It uses the same exact technology as Stable Diffusion. It’s not going to protect you from LORAs (smaller models that imitate a certain style, character, or concept)
An invisible watermark is never going to work. “De-glazing” training images is as easy as running it through a denoising upscaler. If someone really wanted to make a LORA of your art, Glaze and Nightshade are not going to stop them.
If you really want to protect your art from being used as positive training data, use a proper, obnoxious watermark, with your username/website, with “do not use” plastered everywhere. Then, at the very least, it’ll be used as a negative training image instead (telling the model “don’t imitate this”).
There is never a guarantee your art hasn’t been scraped and used to train a model. Training sets aren’t commonly public. Once you share your art online, you don’t know every person who has seen it, saved it, or drawn inspiration from it. Similarly, you can’t name every influence and inspiration that has affected your art.
I suggest that anti-AI art people get used to the fact that sharing art means letting go of the fear of being copied. Nothing is truly original. Artists have always copied each other, and now programmers copy artists.
Capitalists, meanwhile, are excited that they can pay less for “less labor”. Automation and technology is an excuse to undermine and cheapen human labor—if you work in the entertainment industry, it’s adapt AI, quicken your workflow, or lose your job because you’re less productive. This is not a new phenomenon.
You should be mad at management. You should unionize and demand that your labor is compensated fairly.
So that first thing isn’t what you think it is. Anyone can use GPL’ed code for whatever they want. The trick is that they have to distribute the modifications they made when requested, (if and only if they distribute the program.)
I can sit here and use GPL’ed code all day, but as long as I don’t distribute the compiled code or allow people access to any source code modifications (if I release the object code) I’m in the clear.
Even then, if you don’t do that its not stealing. Its failure to comply with the licensing terms, so some sort of copyright infringement. But also literally in the tweet you linked:
We are releasing the source code for Glaze front end, and also working on a rewrite of the frontend.
Assuming they did that, in the 29 days after they said they would do that, it squares them with Section 8 of the GPL:
Moreover, your license from a particular copyright holder is reinstated permanently if the copyright holder notifies you of the violation by some reasonable means, this is the first time you have received notice of violation of this License (for any work) from that copyright holder, and you cure the violation prior to 30 days after your receipt of the notice.
We have done a clean from scratch rewrite of the glaze front end, and also made a detailed pass through all remaining code to ensure there was no code from any GPL projects.
Wasn’t going post this but the people demanded it, so here is my loz centaur!Link AU. I imagine that he had a bad run in with the horse god and ended up like this
Also Zelda and Purah are def too interested in researching his strange condition to recognize how uncomfortable it all makes him LOL the poor bastard
seeing names/words on license plates fills me with inexplicable glee ill pass by a car that says like. mildred. & just start screaming
one time i was behind a car with a plate that said like luvbug or some shit & i was like Oh Fuck Yes & then on the way home i somehow wound up behind the Same Car & i was like oh my god oh jesus christ yes. once i saw a plate that said PROTEIN & i almost crashed my car
I saw this one a while ago:
Oh I have SO many of these!!!! Virginia has the highest number of vanity tags in the US and I have SO much proof.
(These are all photos I personally took, except one which I’ll mention)
Here’s one of my personal faves, could not agree more:
Then we got this one, I did not see the person who owns this car but I feel like I know what they’re like:
(note, my brother insisted that this could also read Dark Nigel, which is way funnier to be fair)
I saw all four of these in the parking lot of the grocery store all near one another:
Some of the plates have symbols or letters on the plate itself that they use like these:
(I didn’t take the one on the right, but! The person w this car used to live in my neighborhood, I think I remember correctly that the dmv made them change it?)
Which. Hilarious considering this:
I hit image limit hold on I’m gonna reblog this reblog
Idk if you know, but Virginia has plates based on the no step on snek flag, and. The people who have those plates are almost always bad drivers, and many of them have hilarious vanity tags like:
Here are more of my faves:
You got:
TRANS: all-star. Trans rights. Love u
LYL BITZ: something I still say to myself for no reason. Lil bitz. So true.
1 IN TEN: mysterious. What does it mean?? There was nothing else on the car, no bumper stickers or cricut vinyl url on the car or anything. It haunts me a little
CRSSWRD: I also love crossword puzzles. Love this energy for you, whoever you are.
THICCC: self explanatory. I hope whoever this thiccc bihhh is, they’re having a great day.
DRMAQUN: I have so many questions. Why is there a fox hunting plate? Why did they PICK the fox hunting plate?? I too am a drama queen tho, love it.
FISH LAW: I desperately hope this person is a fish lawyer. I don’t know what that means exactly, but I know it amuses me.
BRONY: self explanatory. This was parked outside a GameStop. I respect the hustle, I assume it was not easy to get this canon plate
Okay I hit image limit again, I’m only gonna post two more but they’re my favorites
Okay so. This tag. I saw this person at the gas station. The tag did not prepare me for the person who got out of this car. He looked like the Wes Anderson platonic ideal of the devil. He was wearing a red suit, a suede like fabric? A darker red shirt, super skinny black tie. The tiniest black circle frame sunglasses that still did absolutely cover his eyes. He had. I am not joking, a van dyke, pointy tip on the goatee and waxed moustache ends and all. I did not take a photo of him because 1) that’s an invasion of privacy too far 2) he would have taken me back to Hell Which Is Real And Where He Lives with him.
And lastly. My number one vanity tag I’ve ever seen of all time. Number one car plates, I give you:
Fuck, dude, it sure is
an absolute treasure I encountered outside the bay area recently
I 100% thought that was “Dark Nigel” to begin with and only realised it was maybe meant to be “Dark Angel” after reading the caption.
you and my brother have that in common.
I love platespotting!! Here are some of my best
a vanity plate that is very important to me: Twuck.
saw this at a mini-con and honestly I’m not sure what else i expected… (the entire car was similarly covered in spn/naruto decals)
I DO THIS TOO LMAO here’s some of my favs that I’ve spotted around my area: