
Digital fantasy illustration of a knight-like figure in armour with a long red cloak, stalking through the hallways of a ruined castle with a greatsword held over one shoulder. He has a broken, golden crown floating over his head, and is looking towards the viewer with one wide, glowing eye. He has brown skin, long dark hair and a blue tunic, with one arm formed of enchanted floating armour connected together with glowing pink magic. Framing the image are the tattered remains of a painting of a woman holding a baby. The same yellow baby blanket is held in the man's hand.ALT
Close-up of the first image in the thread, showing the man's wild-eyed stare into the cameraALT

Centuries after his demise at the hands of his own people, the Forgotten King stalks the hallways he once ruled, riddled by tattered memories of a once-blessed life.

The moment he turns his haunted gaze upon you, it is already too late. Run. 👑⚔

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