

guardian of the sewing kit

screenshot of a tag: this fella keeps eating my pinsALT
screenshot of a tag: this is the beast that steals your needles when you set them down for just a second and can't find them again.ALT
screenshot of a tag: that looks like a creature that would occasionally hide important itemsALT
screenshot of a tag: ah!!!! this is who keeps stealing my needles and hiding them in odd placesALT

she wishes to refute some slanderous accusations

tiny red eyes look out from inside a biscuit tin. text underneath reads: I live in the sewing box.ALT
the sewing dragon sharpens a needle in the end of a pin cushion. she untangles a green thread. text underneath reads: I sharpen the needs. I untangle the threads.ALT
The sewing dragon stabs a pin into the pin cushion. She puts a metal bobbin back into a tin of bobbins. text underneath reads: Pins go in the pin cushion. Bobbins go in the bobbin box. Everything as it should be.ALT
A hand places a needle on a surface next to the biscuit tin. The sewing dragon pokes her head up and glares at the needle. text underneath reads: And what is misplaced outside of it... no fault of mine.ALT