Someone needs to make a masterpost of fucked up Neopets facts because literally every time I reminisce about that game I remember something ridiculous such as
• The prize wheel that would take literal hours to spin and would occassionaly reward you with a screamer
• Neopets having petpets and the petpets having petpetpets which were just parasites
• The laboratory ray that was extremely fucking expensive to use having a chance of turning petpets into piles of ash
• A random chance for the game to just steal neopoints from you every time you navigate pages and there being a leaderboard for the unluckiest people that month
there’s a game you can only play at 12:00 am to 1:00 am every day
players lined up en masse for waking up turmaculus and PRAYING that he would be nice enough to eat their goddamn petpet and give them a special site avatar for it
there was an item that you could buy for millions of neopoints in a “hidden” (used loosely) shop that you could use in the site’s battle feature to turn your opponent’s neopet into another color and species of neopet PERMANENTLY, undoing all their work on getting that rare paintbrush instantly
Let’s not forget the magna pool where you have a random 10 minutes time slot once a day to throw your pet into lava to have them get a fireball paint color. Did I mention a RANDOM 10 MINUTE SLOT in a 24/hr time frame??????
There’s a lever that you can pull that does nothing except for steal your money and have a very low chance of giving you an avatar
They had a halloween event featuring the characters from supernatural as neopets
The old event hidden somewhere on the site where the staff members had a murder mystery and you could watch the flash animations of all the staff members being killed until only one was left
Only one neopet in the Neopets universe owns a car (Nigel the Chia)
There was a battledome item that would let you turn your opponent’s expensive precious painted pet into a Chia
There was a also a battledome item that would let you just PERMANENTLY DELETE your opponent’s potentially very expensive weapon
There was once Neopets mobile…before the era of Smartphones. The only way to access one of the Neopets lands was through a T Mobile subscription service that ended in 2009 and there’s still no way to access it
The avatar that took users three years to figure out after it’s release because of the ridiculously specific requirements
The original version of the penguin pet Bruce was straight up a picture of
the real-life English television entertainer Bruce Forsyth
An incident where switching over servers caused a glitch that users exploited to clone incredibly expensive items. After it was fixed any mention of the incident on the Neoboards got you frozen (somtimes permanently) with a message on how Neopets was safe and had never been hacked.
“This potion will give you the body that your heart desires, the body that will bring you true and lasting happiness. But be warned: don’t expect beauty. I’ve seen men become literal monster from the darkness in their hearts. Happy monsters, but monsters nevertheless.”
Every time I see this post, I think, yeah, I’d be happy being exactly this. The Fuck Yea Dragon.
“The naga thing isn’t why customers won’t be bothering him with stupid questions for the next month, like I promised, but he’s half dragon, and Xenodermus is the dragon snake.
…Plus, his boss is about to walk by and tell him ’the schedule changed so all you’ve got is a break now.’ Which is juuuust about how long this will last.” –[REDACTED] seeing an opportunity for a fakeout on @volentis boy Ayrens.