not a man or a woman but a silly creature guy
Want to banish Tumblr Live forever on uBlock Origin?
Here’s how to do it!
Press your uBlock icon up on the extensions bar
Click on this button here to pull up your list of blocked things
Then paste these into the list: there you go!
This tutorial brought to you by “I just figured out how to do this and wanted to spare you all the headache.”
Sometimes you’re a vampire ancient enough to give civilization a run for
its money and you have to channel that to– politely– remind someone
that your husband asked for no picklesOH i almost forgot!
you, reading this. you’re a creature now. reblog to creature your followers
get creatured idiot
Tevruden as giant vampire bat-monster is just such a good look for him
Art by GIUMS1 on twitter.
Dungeons and Dragons, but your character must be a self insert, and class is determined by your current abilities
Barbarian Must have a demonstrable temper, go off I guess
Bard Must be able to play an instrument
Cleric Must be involved in a religious organization
Druid Must have demonstrable knowledge of, or passion for nature
Fighter Must beat the DM in physical combat (hope your DM’s a wimp)
Monk Must practice a martial art
Paladin Must have a cause that one actively supports
Ranger Must be able to fire a kind of ranged weapon accurately
Rogue Must sneak up on the DM (Hard mode: steal their dice)
Sorcerer Must have a powerful family heirloom
Warlock Must work for a powerful entity (Corporations, The Government)
Wizard Must have a College Degree or a 3.0 GPAIf you can’t be any of these you start as a commoner, and may become one of these classes when you finally satisfy these conditions.