I have no excuse for this except Lizzo is a godess and Griffin and Justin using ‘boy’ excessively is peak comedy.
Lizzo: Hey boy, what’cha say boy?
Griffin: genuine wrestle boys?
Lizzo: like a gameboy, hit my phone boy,
Griffin: he’s just a skin boy,
Lizzo: Are you alone boy?
Griffin: Where’s my boy?!
Lizzo: got a boy with degrees, a boy in the street,
Griffin: get riddled with these handsome boys!
Lizzo: shhheesh, it’s all Greek to me, got this boy speakin’ Spanish:
Justin: I’m a fancy boy!!
Lizzo: I. Like. Big boys,
Justin: dirty boys,
Lizzo: Mississippi Boys,
Griffin: really rowdy boys,
Lizzo: I like the pretty boys,
Griffin: my sweet boy!
Lizzo: getcha nails did,
Justin: my BOY!!
Lizzo: I like a big beard,
Griffin: little punk boi,
Lizzo: I don’t discriminate,
Griffin: Clyde, you beautiful boy!
Lizzo: From the playboys, to the gay boys, go and slay boys, you my fave boys!
Griffin: There’s a good boy!
Justin: (hey), heyy!
Griffin: hey there’s a-
Justin: -that’s…
Griffin: now THAT’S a boy that I can get in to!
Justin: aHA-that’s a perfect boy-hehe!
[VD: The cover art for the song “Boys,” which is the title in all caps against a multicolored striped background. “McElroy” has been edited in as an additional credit along with Lizzo. The audio is the song, well-edited to feature Griffin McElroy as transcribed above. End VD]
Alright with our winner crowned for the fancomics, time for the main event! The bracket is separated here in to 16 subbrackets (A-P), because the full bracket is massive.
You can find the complete list can be found here. This includes links and the descriptions, exactly as given in the submissions (except when there were multiple submissions, in which case they were combined.)
The bracket was seeded by date of first publication – so the oldest comics (we’ve got a few from the 90s) are going up against the newest (from just the past few months!), etc. (and if anyone else is insane enough to run a seeded 512 bracket the sheet is automated and you’re free to copy it).
There will be 8 polls coming out daily, starting (hopefully) Monday, May 29th, and will be tagged #obscure webcomic poll and #webcomic round 1 and like the previous the rules will be Vote for the One You Don’t Know.
If you’re voting for the one you don’t know, this is a tournament to findthe most obscure webcomic, not a tournament of obscure webcomics.
Greetings final fantasy 14 enjoyers. If you can’t guess by this post I am just about the largest World of Warcraft fan ever, and my main in Wrath of the Lich King Classic is final fantasy 14 Elidibus mirrored in WoW, I even gave him a lil appropriate mirrored backstory. He’s my precious death knight Elidibus, or as I like to call him, Death Bus. This is the comprehensive death bus doodle post because I make lil doodles of him all the time.
My goal is indeed to get that tier 10 icc armor, the second to last doodle was made because I just got that hat and I’m in love with it and I’m never taking it off.
opens box that reads “i wanna draw again”. inside lies a note. the note says, “mental illness and difficult circumstances have taken years of interest, accessibility, and skill away from me. i want to forgive myself for that. i want to heal my relationship to my hobbies. i want to feel connected to something that once made me feel good, but the cyclic discouragement is difficult to overcome.” i turn over the note. on the back it reads “wannta drawe sexy bodies awooga”
seems like this one really resonated with the artists who dont do art fandom
I sometimes see people wonder if the idea of a dragon that can take on a fully human appearance is a modern fantasy invention. Or solely inspired by (East) Asian dragons, which are almost invariably noble and frequently appear human. Because European folklore is more well known for “dragon slayer tales”, in which the dragons are purely beastly. But! Slavic folklore absolutely has dragons who are capable of transforming themselves into (beautiful) humans!
The dragons from Slavic fairy tales still have typical “western” dragon characteristics (wings, scales, claws, maw), but they often act far more human than animalistic. They frequently live in castles, use weapons, sometimes even ride horses, write letters, or get married to humans. And some are described as fully shapeshifting into humans:
Dawn, Evening, and Midnight (Afanasev, 1866, trans. Guterman, 1946)
Three princesses are abducted by a whirlwind and three brave brothers Evening, Midnight and Dawn set out to find them. Dawn finds the youngest princess in an underground realm in a castle. She greets him, feeds him, gives him strengthening magic water and then: “At this moment a wild wind arose, and the princess was frightened. ‘Presently,’ she said, ‘my dragon will come.’ And she took Dawn by the hand and hid him in the adjoining room. A three-headed dragon came flying, struck the damp earth, turned into a youth.” The princess puts sleeping potion in the dragon’s wine, picks the lice from his hair (implies he is still human) until he falls asleep. She calls Dawn and he cuts off the dragon’s three heads (implies he’s full dragon again) and burns the body. He then rescues her sisters from a six- and twelve-headed dragon. The three princesses marry the three brothers.
The Footless Champion and the Handless Champion (Afanasev, trans. Guterman)
Two champions, Marko and Ivan, decide to steal a priest’s daughter to be their sister and housekeeper. Once they go on a week long hunt and when they return the girl looks ill and thin. “She told them that a dragon had flown to her every day and that she had grown thin because of him. ‘We will catch him,’ said the champions. (…) About half an hour later, the trees in the forest suddenly began to rustle and the roof of the hut shook: the dragon came, struck the damp earth, turned into a goodly youth, sat at table, and asked for food.” Ivan and Marko seize him and thrash him until he begs for mercy, promising to show them the water of life and the water of death. He tries to trick them into jumping into the lake of death, so they throw him in “and only smoke was left of him.” They do bring the priest’s daughter back home before carrying on with their other adventures. [The concept that a dragon’s presence can drain a maiden of her life force shows up in other stories too, but in this particular context it almost seems like the dragon is just? eating her portion of the food? Also the fact that she was abducted from her home by the two supposed heroes and the dragon is only visiting and asking for lunch really puts this into a weird perspective.]
King Bear (Afanasev, trans. Guterman)
A tsar’s son and daughter are abducted by the King Bear but eventually escape with the help of a magical bullock who conjures a lake of fire that the bear cannot cross. They live by its shore for a while in a fine house and Ivan hunts for their food. “Meanwhile Princess Maria went to the lake to wash clothes. As she washed, a six-headed dragon came flying to the other shore of the lake of fire, changed into a handsome man, saw the princess, and said to her in a sweet voice: ‘Greetings, lovely maiden!’ ‘Greetings, good youth!’ ‘The old wives say that in former times this lake did not exist; if a high bridge spanned it, I would come to the other side and marry you.’ ‘Wait! A bridge will be here in a trice!’ answered Princess Maria and waved her towel. In that instant the towel spread out in an arc and hung above the lake like a high and beautiful bridge. The dragon crossed it, changed into its former shape, put Prince Ivan’s dog under lock and key, and cast the key into the lake; then he seized the princess and carried her off.” When Ivan finds his sister missing and his dog locked up he goes to ask help from Baba-Yaga, finds the dragon, kills him, and takes his sister home. [This story ends with the standard “they began to live happily and prosper”, but it really seems like Ivan should have asked Maria if she was even in need of rescuing.]
So there we are! Proper folklore roots for all our mysterious strangers with a hint of scales around their flickering eyes~