Sometimes, in fandom, we just want to write id-tastic fic that rolls around in tropes that might be viewed as problematic. But we don’t want to address the problematic side of things in this particular fanwork; we just want to roll around and wallow.
It is considered courteous to give readers a heads-up via use of AO3 tags. I propose a tag that signals that a given fanwork is for rolling around, not giving a measured evaluation of anything. The MCU has carved out a space for this sort of fic with the “HYDRA Trash Party” tag, for which I commend them. Trash Party is a bit too specific to cover all of the ground I’m thinking of here, though; I propose “Dead Dove: Do Not Eat.”
For those of you not familiar with Arrested Development, Michael Bluth finds a paper bag in the freezer labeled “Dead Dove: Do Not Eat.” He opens the bag, finds a dead dove, and reacts as follows:
[gif of a white man saying “I don’t know what I expected” in a deadpan manner]
The “Dead Dove: Do Not Eat” tag would essentially be a “what it says on the tin” metatag, indicating “you see the tropes and concepts tagged here? they are going to appear in this fic. exactly as said. there will not necessarily be any subversion, authorial commentary condemning problematic aspects, or meditation on potential harm. this fic contains dead dove. if you proceed, you should expect to encounter it.”
Minerva! My experiment-born corvid centaur lady! 😀
I get to actually play her soon in a short-shot homebrew module, and boy I’m stoked! Didn’t expect to ever get that chance but here it is and here she is!
She’s going into a little coastal town with two wood elves, a human, and a catfolk. There’s something weird going on in town and either they’ll all figure it out, or they won’t~
Do not repost, edit, alter, trace/copy, use/redistribute my artworks without my prior permission.
I’ve come to notice that (for me) Vyvanse is like an expensive red wine, where as adderall is more like four loco as far as mood/energy levels go, it is not what I expected but yeah completely different vibe. I am impossibly zen now though so there’s that. Anyway, adderall shortage is expected to continue for *at least* 5-6 more months (FDA/DEA is attacking accessible virtual healthcare and saying that they plan to disallow virtual visits to refill/prescribe controlled substances period instead of allowing production to be increased and letting people have medical/bodily autonomy), next to go is going to be Ritalin/Concerta. I’m expecting a large increase in US accidents and workplace injuries because taking adderall daily for years and then suddenly stopping is disorienting and just fucking terrible. So yeah, meth for a lot of people is going to be the answer and a more equivalent substitution. We are in a crisis and it is all war on drugs/private healthcares’ fault.
Under the proposed rule, Schedule II controlled substances such as Ritalin, Adderall and Vicodin and Schedule III-V narcotics other than buprenorphine may not be prescribed to patients without an in-person evaluation. Providers would be able to prescribe a 30-day supply for buprenorphine and non-narcotic Schedule III-V drugs such as Xanax and Ambien without an in-person visit if the telemedicine encounter is for a legitimate medical purpose. Anything beyond a 30-day supply will require an in-person visit.
If a patient had already been receiving prescriptions by telemedicine during the PHE, the DEA will defer the in-person exam requirement for an additional 180 days.
– this proposal is ableist, classist, and expects everyone to live in a city & have access to psychiatrists (ha)
– ADHD meds being “overprescribed” is not actually what is going on, in reality people had the time and money during COVID to actually get their needs met (ADHD in adults has always largely been ignored/under-diagnosed)
– Instead of putting a wrench into this obvious and generally positive movement towards psych med accessibility, maybe focus on the real problem (the production limit) since increased access is never a bad thing
– Education and community health programs are more effective to combat drug abuse than policing bodily/medical autonomy
– 10 people taking adhd meds who don’t need then will never be more important than 100 people who need them to function and don’t have access
– There is no reason adhd diagnostic testing cannot be done online over a secure connection, and if people are going to malinger they would do that anyway in person
– Fuck the DEA
Yeah, shouldn’t reblog doomer awareness without something one can do about it. They’re taking feedback until March 31st.
On the other side, this is a proposed rule that would allow for the expansion of circumstances practitioners can use telemedicine to prescribe schedule III–V narcotic drugs or
for use in maintenance or withdrawal treatment/detox, including an audio-only teleppointments. It wouldn’t apply to Adderall but it’s still important, with substantially fewer comments.