



A fae being stands before you.

“Every day you will receive one thousand dollars in your bank account. But every time you lift a glass to your lips to take a drink, you will hit your front teeth on the first try. Every. Time. Do you accept this deal?”

Yes. Quite easily so.

You see, making deals with the Fae is down to very specific word choices. They shot themselves in the foot with their own words here while making this deal, even though they thought their word choice was so very, very clever.

The Fae specifically uses the word “glass”. This, in turn, limits the person that agrees to the deal to the “hit your front teeth on the first try every time” to only be hitting their teeth on the first try every time if they drink out of a glass.

If the person decides to drink out of a container that isn’t made out of glass, like, say for example… A paper cup. Or a soda can. A plastic bottle. Styrofoam cup. Yeti Tumbler. Their own hand. A bowl. Who knows, a person can get hella creative when they realize there are ways to get around the rules without actually breaking them.


A Fae being stands before me, and offers me this deal.

I smile, wide and unassuming, offer my hand to shake. “I accept this deal and all of it’s terms unconditionally.”

This Fae being needs to learn that straws exist.

The campaign against straws actually just one Fae’s frustrated attempts to eliminate the loophole a human found in their deal with them.