


anyway nothing drives me into a rampage faster than people refusing to entertain the idea that maybe they have some innocuous blindspots or totally harmless gaps in their knowledge. perhaps you know less about bagel toppings and French euphemisms for threesomes than you think. perhaps this is not a threat to your reality.

“students in the US are never taught about other countries in school!” perhaps you were zoning out man idk what to tell you

“eating salmon on a bagel is unusual and not something that’s done here in New England” it’s okay to admit that maybe you are not an expert on bagels

“I have never heard the phrase ‘petite mort’ which means it’s esoteric and obscure and there is NO way Frank Herbert could possibly have heard about it being a euphemism for orgasm when he wrote ‘fear is the little death’” get out more

it’s entirely possible that you aren’t an expert on 1840’s North American log cabin construction