imagine portraying COPYRIGHT LAW as a working class thing i’m losing my fucking MIND
it’s actually genuinely concerning so many self-identified leftists will advocate what disney lobbies for if you make it sound progressive enough in words
most of these people don’t understand that copyright law isn’t designed for independent artists, they’re designed by and for companies with a catalogue of intellectual property, which is why large companies can infringe on individual artists all the time, and they do. they’ll even hire you to do work sometimes, not pay you for what you did, and then just plagiarize your sample work. I mean afaik, copyright laws were designed for inter-company interaction, which is why there was so much issue with YouTube and copyright for so long, and still is. copyright law was not invented or meant to accommodate individual creators with the freedom to make whatever and upload it. It’s designed so one team of lawyers can contact another team of lawyers and hammer out a deal over how much money is going to be paid to be able to use the copyrighted work
Compright law was literally put forth by book printers, that’s why it’s copyright and not authorright.