

Realizing that Amok Time, from T’Pring’s perspective, is basically the equivalent of a Vulcan Hallmark Movie, where a holiday (Pon Farr) makes our hero realize she wants hometown boy Stonn and a simple (Vulcan) life instead of big-city (space) boyfriend Spock, and it all comes to a head in an embarrassing misunderstanding in front of her family, is certainly making me feel some kind of way

All of our Triumvirate are actually the Bad Hallmark Boyfriend in either alpha or beta canon, actually:

  • Spock gets dumped by T’Pring for Stonn because Spock is too famous and high-powered
  • Jim gets dumped by Carol because he’s too intent on being Captain and she wants to pursue her own interests
  • Bones is dumped by Jocelyn for hometown boy Clay because he’s too much of a workaholic doctor who prioritizes medicine over their relationship