tumblr is not an indie organisation tumblr functions optimally with a third party extension tumblr has deactivated blogs for merely saying a member of staff is a harry potter fan tumblr cant even be transparent with its vetting process for blazed posts (slurs and threats of suicide have slid past much too often) WHY must you all pretend you’re paying them as some noble action in service of a struggling mom and pop store that does their best. it’s 100% selfish. you just want the status of being the funny guy with the checkmarks. and, like, fine. i cant fault that from an objective standpoint. but don’t pretend it’s anything less, it’s not at all difficult to see through the artifice
I think all that artifice is in your head.
Servers and network connectivity cost money, the money has to come from somewhere. It can either come from me directly or from me by the way of advertisers.
“Its better if I pay for this hellsite than advertisers pay for this hellsite” isn’t some noble action– in fact its INHERENTLY selfish. If we’re the customers and not the product that means the hellsite is way more apt to respond to demands placed upon it by us.
That’s TOTALLY selfish btw.

To run this website. Websites don’t stop costing money when you become a corporation. What else did you think the money would be for?