I was doing Seat of Sacrifice earlier today when the thought hit me.
When Emet-Selch steps in to help you against Elidibus, he knows everything that’s about to happen.
Zodiark’s defeat. The Final Days’ return. Your journey to Elpis and warning him about the future.
He’s given the chance to give the victory to Zodiark, to make what he wants come to pass. If he helps Elidibus, the last of the Unsundered doesn’t fall. And if Elidibus doesn’t fall, Fandaniel doesn’t step out of line. Zenos doesn’t get the help he needs to break Zodiark’s chains. The rejoinings can continue, and Zodiark protects the Star against the Endsinger with an aetheric shield.
And yet…he chooses not to. Instead of placing his faith in Zodiark, the savior he’s served for millennia, Emet-Selch places his faith in you.
To save the Star. To release his people to the Aetherial Sea. To honor your promise to remember the Ancients and live out Azem’s legacy in a new future.