That last tweet is only true if you’re taking these medications ORALLY.
Activated charcoal works by adsorbing materials to its ridiculously large surface area and then carrying the material out of your body. If its not in your digestive tract, the charcoal can’t do anything about it.
i wonder if it’s time for a cultural reappraisal of rob liefeld’s art. maybe we were all just too quick to judge a guy for daring to have a unique stylized take that focused on exaggeration and action. *actually looks at some of his art again* jesus CHRIST never mind
#this is me once every like six months. he really was that bad.
a beginner wizard who can’t afford all the fancy equipment so they spend hours on pinterest curating their several diy boards
“diy wizard staff” “glowing orb dupes” “robe sewing pattern” “free pdf for spells”
Wizard who gets half their spells off the magical equivalent of the dark web so sometimes they get malware and have to spend a week getting all the sincoin-mining demons out of all their magical artifacts and putting down a minor inter-dimensional incursion because of a trojan horse spell that opened a portal to the plane of Evil Cows