Month: March 2022

tevruden:Someone said bandwagon?  Just because dragon!tev isn’t a mammal won’t stop him from having giant fucken tiddies.


Someone said bandwagon?  Just because dragon!tev isn’t a mammal won’t stop him from having giant fucken tiddies.



They’re both idiots, but they’re My idiots.

ANyways Bluma really likes cats, leave her alone, Lin!!!

(Takes place before they officially get together ;w; forgot to mention that on Twitter lmao.)




why is it “hot” for vampires to just be drooling blood all over them when they kill someone? if i was standing around shirtless and wearing leather pants and eating a cheeseburger with melted cheese and ketchup and drool all over my chin would that be sexy? would it? use a napkin. you’re too old for this, vlad

This post was ghostwritten by Van Helsing

Someone said bandwagon?  Just because dragon!tev isn’t a mammal won’t stop him from having giant fucken tiddies.

Someone said bandwagon?  Just because dragon!tev isn’t a mammal won’t stop him from having giant fucken tiddies.














“Cave Johnson here. I’ve received complaints from anonymous employees that our support of the “homosexual lifestyle” is “degenerate” and “irresponsible”. It really got me thinking and I think I found a solution. So good news! We now have 23 vacated positions reserved for members of the LGBT community. Additional good news, we began a new testing initiative on evolutionary degenration with 23 test subjects all ready to go.“

“Cave Johnson here. If you’re experiencing a time loop in which you’re repeating the month of June over and over, that’s totally intentional. We at Aperture Science felt that pride month was not long enough and so we created this loop to let employees experience as much pride as they feel like. To get out of this loop, simply use the pod labeled “Time Machine” in Shaft 6 and then either kill or save the baby on the other end depending on when in the loop you’re on. Don’t worry about the baby’s identity, he grows up to be an asshole.“

“Cave Johnson here, happy to announce that our Rainbow Gel project was a massive success. We have developed distinct gels in every color of the rainbow pride flag. In fact, it was too much of a success, so we’ll be updating our pride flag accordingly to include 75 new colors corresponding to all of our new gels. Word of advice, though, don’t stare at the flag for too long, most of these colors haven’t been tested on human eyes yet.”

“Cave Johnson here, Cave Johnson queer. Get used to it.”

“Cave Johnson here. Caroline just informed me that I am her “beard”. I checked, and I fail to see how I could possibly have grown out of her face. If anybody knows anything about human-to-facial hair transmogrification, please report to my office.”

“Cave Johnson here. Friendly reminder that Aperture employees living prior to the legalization of gay marriage are invited to use our Aperture Science Temporal Matrimony Pod in order to travel to the future with your same-sex partner and get married there. Employees from the future who wish to return to a time before gay people being able to marry are also welcome to use the pod and we’ll make sure to send you to an era well before gay marriage. I’m thinking maybe Late Cretacesous.”

“Cave Johnson here. I’m proud to announce that our plan to hire only female test subjects to prevent them from flirting with our female scientists has been a resounding failure.”

“Cave Johnson here. I’m afraid we’ll have to temporarily pause all experimentation with the Gender Affirmation Beam. The testing itself is going great, the beam is working. But we’re starting to run out of thigh high socks and khaki shorts.”

“Cave Johson here. Shafts 10 through 14 are currently under lockdown due to a meltdown in the Neopronoun Syntheizer. The transphobes up in DC might call that ‘a disaster in the making’ but I call it a win for diversity! That being said most of these pronouns are radioactive so do watch out.”

Cave Johnson here. If you feel a sudden sense of elation and contentness when putting on your new Aperture Science unisex uniform, that is not Gender Euphoria! That’s a hallucinogenic fungus taking over your brain. Take the uniform off immediately and throw it in the nearest incinerator.”

“Cave Johnson here. I won’t tolerate any misgendering of the interdimensional invaders swarming the facility! Their pronouns are they/them and we’re ought to respect that. We’re also ought to shoot them on sight since they’re extremely hostile and bent on enslaving our planet.”

“Cave Johnson here. To all of my suitors and secret admirers: Thank you, honestly I’m flattered. Unfortunately for you, I don’t swing that way. Or any way. I only swing where the wrecking ball of science takes me. Usually into a brick wall.”

Sometimes I’m scrolling through my dash and then suddenly I see a bunch of garrosh hellscream and I’m just like:

“Ah @swampgallows​ is at it again. Excellent.”

tevruden:It’s Tev’s 9th birthday so I’m happy to announce that the real reason there’s so many different versions of DK tev is: He’s actually a Dreadlord. He’s been one the entire time, BUT actually I hate drawing cloven hooves, so he’s totally been disguised since


It’s Tev’s 9th birthday so I’m happy to announce that the real reason there’s so many different versions of DK tev is: He’s actually a Dreadlord.

He’s been one the entire time, BUT actually I hate drawing cloven hooves, so he’s totally been
disguised since the beginning.  Every time he’s gotten turned into
something? Yeah thats a different disguise.

Thought you all should know that this is all 100% been true from the start and totally NOT a thing that I
made up Sunday because I remembered that his birthday was this week.