This is why I love the “Covid is faked” conspiracies. Like really?? You think the WHOLE WORLD is working together THAT EFFICIENTLY?? Even the countries that hate each other? Wow cheers for the optimism
Look up the manhattan project you dipshits
You mean the project where the only reason there was any secrecy was that none of the people had any part of the wide reaching project (Oppenheimer, Einstein, and all the others were pretty much kept way away from eachother) and was almost brought down as a secret in the group by one of the guys being an amateur safe cracker? That Manhattan Project?
The one where everybody near Los Alamos knew that something big was happening, because they were actively hiring during the War?
The one that had so many close calls to they’re working on some kind of bomb that by the time the war was over you had people involved blabbing, to the point the Rosenbergs happened?
THAT Manhattan Project?
The Manhattan project, the one that the editor of a science fiction magazine (I think it was Astounding) figured out was happening because all the physicists who subscribed suddenly changed their addresses to Los Alamos?
That Manhattan project?
We’re talking about the Manhattan project that Kodak had clearance to know about (and even got advanced warnings about tests) because they figured it out when radioactive fallout from the tests contaminated their x-ray film? That one?
If the Manhatten Project was happening today, Twitter would’ve spent a day with a couple of people making threads and ultimately describing exactly what was happening at Los Alamos and probably collating a list of the people involved from inferred data.
Every time I hear about the US government having some big secret conspiracy I flash back to the moment I was talking to someone from the State Department about a piece of software we had sold and I was helping set up and was asked, point blank: