
The Land of Dead brings opportunity… 💀

☽  A night market has appeared on WrA, nestled in Revendreth. Have some unconventional wares you can’t sell without being side-eyed? Are you a rather unconventional vendor looking to sell your merchandise and not get questioned by the guards for “suspicious activity”? Look no further, you are most welcome here.

☽ A partnership between <The Sanguine Order> and the@fence-macabre ​brings another spooky market and hopes you’ll join us in the Shadowlands!

☽ We’re looking for vendors! Brand new faces have priority in our vending applications! Cross-faction and Cross-server are welcome! Anchors are always available!

☽ vendor application:

☽ discord:

@wowrpevents @the-royal-courier @moonguardevents @wracentral