
Hello everyone! I have decided to create a Wyrmrest Accord Horde Server Event for Hallow’s End! This will be located in The Sepulcher (No Warmode please) There is a discord server for this event as well! You can join even if you’re unsure if you can attend or not so you can just hang out if you’d like.

Above is a map of The Sepulcher and what’s going to take place. Since this falls on the first day of Hallow’s End there’s going to be bobbing for apples and trick or treating in the Inn!

Food is located upstairs of the Inn, there’s a dance floor for all your dancing needs! There’s a relaxation area if you need to step away from the party or just go afk, if you’re feeling overwhelmed feel free to hang out there! In front of The Crypt is where Neeb will be doing announcements!

There’s going to be an Art Raffle taking place

  •   The first prize is going to be a free commission of the winner’s choosing of a detailed full body piece included with background! (Art by me)
  •   The second prize is going to be a free commission of the winner’s choosing of a half body detailed photo with a coloured background!

How to enter the Art Raffle: Seek out Neeb in game and give him your name, or you can do it via discord and I’ll take your name down so that way if you end up leaving the event you will still be eligible for entry!

There will also be a costume contest taking place!

  • The first prize is going to be a Vial of Sands mount!
  • The second prize will be 5k gold!
  • The third prize is going to be a rare battle pet!

How to enter the Costume Contest: Please send in photos of your Transmog through discord with a character name attached as well as a description of what your costume is and what inspired it!

The official time schedule will be posted in the discord server!

I’m planning to have a plug.dj set up for this event as well!

Tags to use if you want to post art about your character attending the event (because trust me I’d love to see it!): #GraveyardParty

I hope to see you guys there!  Discord:https://discord.gg/YKUGBaw