




*Deadbeat dad voice* Can you believe I’m forced to financially support the child I helped put on this earth? Woe is me.

*Deadbeat Dad voice when the child grows up* Can you believe this child wants nothing to do with me after I helped putting them on this earth? How ungrateful!

*Deadbeat dad voice* Can you believe the mother of my child who lives with, take cares of, and spends 99.5% of the time with my child has the gall… THE AUDACITY to demand I help pay for the upbringing of my child. I CANNOT believe every month I have to give her money to buy food, medicine, and clothing for the wellbeing of my child. I rarely see my child, but still….. THE AUDACITY. #HateGoldDiggers

*Deadbeat Dad voice* Can you believe the child I blatantly wanted absolutely nothing to do with all of their life, won’t accept my bare minimum apologies about abandoning them ?!!  Of course their mother turned them against me !!!

*deadbeat dad voice* I can’t believe my kids are angry at me for not raising them but I take care of my girlfriend’s child!