Month: July 2018

Oh god there’s too many people in here to tag but these are all of the good screenshots from the bash today

Oh god there’s too many people in here to tag but these are all of the good screenshots from the bash today

After all dragons are basically giant cats sooo…

After all dragons are basically giant cats sooo…

buttart: Tonight, luckily at the end of the night, this person from <House Rosedawn> came to rp at the Beach Bash. If you’re not familiar with the guild, it’s member was caught openly flaunting neo-nazi imagery and ideals, and its GM defended the member’s actions


Tonight, luckily at the end of the night, this person from <House Rosedawn> came to rp at the Beach Bash. If you’re not familiar with the guild, it’s member was caught openly flaunting neo-nazi imagery and ideals, and its GM defended the member’s actions as “OOC political affiliations which don’t affect IC”.

The organizers of the party, myself included, asked this person to leave, to which they responded that to ask them to leave was oppressing them and doing The Exact Same Thing as the nazi party we so dislike. We beg to differ. So here’s our unedited conversation for your perusal, feel free to draw conclusions from it yourselves.

And to House Rosedawn, you are not welcome at our parties. Those who allow nazi ideals in their friend groups, their communities, and even their pretendy fun times, are condoning that violence and hatred. And no, hating nazis and not allowing them at MY event does not make me a nazi.

Cheers, your Jewish host.

robinaa:haviNG A  GAY OL TIME




The Artist Experience is seeing people who do both thin, streamlined lineart and people who do thick, painterly lineart and everything in between and thinking it’s all dynamic and beautiful

And then never being satisfied/happy with any of your own lineart

markraas:Goodbye, Legion! I played like 10 months straight so I’m very burned out, but I had tons of fun raiding mythic and making new friends. Not very excited for BfA, but maybe I’ll give it a shot. Here’s a old picture for you! 


Goodbye, Legion! I played like 10 months straight so I’m very burned out, but I had tons of fun raiding mythic and making new friends. Not very excited for BfA, but maybe I’ll give it a shot. Here’s a old picture for you! 

katieskarlette: I had Bridjin drop in for the Bonfire Bash festivities yesterday.  I saw a few people I recognized but was too shy to introduce myself.So belated hello to @tevruden, @thegreatnyehehe and Salty Fisherman (does he have a Tumblr?)It’s funny because in-character


I had Bridjin drop in for the Bonfire Bash festivities yesterday.  I saw a few people I recognized but was too shy to introduce myself.

So belated hello to @tevruden, @thegreatnyehehe and Salty Fisherman (does he have a Tumblr?)

It’s funny because in-character Bridjin is totally not shy at all, but she’s unlucky enough to have me in control of her, so…yeah.  It was still cool seeing you all and I had fun being a wallflower, doing some fishing, and riding alone in my boat because my character’s husband is on the same account (and a different server besides) so they can never meet in game. /cry