

Hey Y’all! I’m doing a Summer Special on bust commissions – these are normally 40$, but until the end of August 2018 I’ve reduced the price down to 20$! 

Pictured above are some of the Summer Special pieces I’ve already done, for wonderful commissioners like @outlaw-coldstar@lauranis@moonlit-seashells​ (and others i don’t know their tumblr blogs!)

If you’d like to be on my commission queue for this special please email me: with the header Summer Special Bust Commission. In the email please include written details and/or screenshots of the character you’d like drawn, and an email I can send a paypal invoice to – I’ll let you know what place you have in my commission queue. I will not send an invoice for payment until YOU have approved the initial sketch. The piece will be lined and colored once I receive the payment via paypal. This will help me out a lot. 

These pieces are paid for via paypal only (Sorry, I cannot accept other forms of payment at this time! Items in video games or website game treasure doesn’t pay my bills!) Thank you in advance! (Terms and Conditions are under the cut!)

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My commission queue still has spots open!