you guys really just don’t check your fucking phones huh? you don’t give a fuck and a half about your notifications? you just carry it around with you everywhere but don’t actually go on it? maybe someone texted you. maybe you received an email. maybe you need to take your daily duolingo lesson. but no, you really just can’t be bothered. fuck you
I wanted to give Radiv some attention, so I made a DnD equivalent for him. A druid of the desert with fire and starry focus.
My DM would never let me play a centaur in a million years even with their showcase in Unearthed Arcana, so I might as well just draw it for fun!
Downside to all this, I’m now seriously thinking of just outright giving Radiv a full blown colour makeover, because he looks really cute in brown and reds. Should I do it? I feel like it’s a lot nicer than the original red, black and white with a bit of cream thrown in.