quite literally on it’s last legs (I’m having to painstakingly copy+paste certain letters typing this
so I’ll do my best to keep this
short :’) )
The top half of it has been falling off off for a while now, I have been trying to prolong its life with duct tape, but now its begun to affect my keyboard too. My alt modifier no longer works, nor do my esc, volume up, 4, 6, s, and q buttons.
I just got out of a horrendous living
situation, and I have no job (I’ve had
several interviews, but my 2 years of being unemployed and on and off homeless have made it very difficult to get accepted.)
My computer is my only
source of income, and I really need to replace it. It makes more
sense to upgrade to a better one that functions for all the things I use it for that will last longer and has better hinges that won’t
strip out within the first 5 months of owning it – way to go on that one, Toshiba. -_-)
There’s a really great computer I’ve been looking at at the Navy Exchange that’s only $1000, and it fits all the
specs I need.
I’m gonna be 100% open for commissions from here on out until I can afford it.
Please boost this if you can, it would really help me.
My prices are here:
some examples of my work:
Thank you
so much for taking the time to read this.
Please email arcwhining@gmail.com if you’re interested in buying
Or, alternatively, if you’d like to donate, my paypal is