Here we go a new com sheet for 2018, still with pretty simple options until I can figure out what most wanted. Price are always subject to change with the complexity of the character (armor, limbs…) or some very “specific demand”
All payment are done upfront with Paypal, no exception. First stage sketches are always sent for approval before finishing. I only accept visual reference as a guideline, no block of text or vague description, the more the better.
∠( ᐛ 」∠)_ It’s that time of year again folks. Once again, I want to thank everyone for all their support! Especially since I was forced to take a break last year for personal reasons.
you ever try to draw something nice for yourself for once but you wind up getting so overstimulated by a constant barrage of outside sources so you cant focus at all and then you just get frustrated halfway and say fuck it entirely lmao
anyway an Attempt was made of my newly capped Unholy Death Knight trashbag enjoy