Tev picks up a knife cursed to send the wielder into a murderous rampage Acts completely fine and normal with it Whoever had the knife is super confused and thinks it doesn’t work.
Tev: "Oh no, it is working fine, but I am always on a murderous rampage."
been working on this on and off at work, but uh!! it’s ashdale! just some stuff i was thinking might lie in his future.
near the VERY end of our campaign my character ashdale started dual-classing as not just a ranger but as a sorcerer (specifically necromancer). i mean first off i think that he’d explore those necromancer traits more in the future, but also i found out that those classes sometimes lead to a prestige class called eldritch knight which sounds like a neat route to take.
also i was playing with the idea that his adoptive mom did some stuff to help him pass more as human as a babe rather than fetchling, but then maybe that starts wearing off… then maybe has adventures in the underdark or something idk??
So I still have the give-away pics to do and the like, but I just paid rent and am in need of cash :””D
So I’m doing a flash $10 commission sale! I’m opening just ten slots for now to see how things go, and if things go well then I may open things like this in the future!
You’ll get a somewhat sketchy headshot with minimal shading on it like this –
If you’re interested, send me an IM with this form filled out-
Username: (so i can keep track of you)
Character ref: (link to visual ref here)
Expression: (happy, sad, ect)
A warning that more detailed characters could be more expensive!
And once I’ve given you the go I’ll send you a payment link (with paypal) and get started as soon as I can!