Please take a look at my info page for pricing: HERE! (Now in a tumblr post so mobile users can view it!) If you’re already familiar with that here’s a quick link to my form.
There’s Digimon-specific pricing as well, since the lower stages/human characters are much simpler to draw. I haven’t forgotten you guys 🙂
(Reblogs of this post are much loved <3)
Am running a sale for this batch 😀 (Possibly also the next one if I finish early enough). Normally additional characters are the same cost over again, but this time around they’ll be at ¾ the price!
As said in the pic, if one is a detailed character and the other is not, the basic character will get the discount.
It doesn’t have to be a coupley pose! If you just want two characters bein’ totally platonic that’s cool too. It does have to be one image though, not two separate drawings of one character each.
Also if you’re just here for a regular one-character piece this round, that’s fine too 🙂
I’ll be keeping the form open for 24h or 10 slots, whichever comes first!
DO NOT feed your gamer generic “flavor blasted tortilla chips” or “mountain fizz” it WILL make them sick or possibly worse! If you cant afford the real thing then you shouldnt have gotten a gamer in the first place!
lol @ op acting like it’s ethical for ANYONE to own a gamer no matter how “”real”” the food they can afford for it is. gamers are wild animals. imprinting on human beings can be seriously psychologically damaging to them. just don’t keep them.
Reblogging because Easter season’s coming up and shelters are sure to be flooded all over again with gamers dyed all sorts of “cute” colors as a cheap throwaway gift for kids who have NO idea how to take care of them, how large they get or how long they live
Here we go a new com sheet for 2018, still with pretty simple options until I can figure out what most wanted. Price are always subject to change with the complexity of the character (armor, limbs…) or some very “specific demand”
All payment are done upfront with Paypal, no exception. First stage sketches are always sent for approval before finishing. I only accept visual reference as a guideline, no block of text or vague description, the more the better.
[a wonderful milkmaiden]: Mrrmeow? [the milkmaiden]: Mrrpmeow? [an entity of the shadow]: (emerges from the shade) [the delightful maiden]:Mrrp? [the entity]
(bravely breaks the boundary of the shadow, bravely impeaches it and passes the border of the realm of light in order to be joined with the brave milkmaiden.) [the entity]: (A high-pitched “mmrp!” of delight) [the wonderful milkmaiden]: (She decides that this footage is sufficient. The camera man is instantly murdered upon impact.)
this is the best transcript of anything I have ever seen, period.