
It was a bad idea. Artifact Weapons were being criticized since Legion’s launch due to the lack of weapon models, one-weapon-type per spec, AP grind and their irrelevance once the expansion ended. With BoFA coming and the artifact system going away suddenly and for seemingly no reason in terms of story, and just gameplay (even though artifact weapons were huge story-heavy weapons with unlockable lore), it just…further proves they were a bad idea. Every criticism everyone had before Legion even launched was right on the nose.

And they’re apparently taking the AP grind concept and are putting it into a new player item in the next expansion, so they’ve learned basically nothing.

Ok to be fair they said they were going to do this when they introduced them, because they didn’t want a situation like Archeology, where something that should be contained within a single expansion gets dragged into the next one and is something they have to keep updating forever.