In-game name Leyhunter on Wyrmrest Accord, ilvl 918 Marksmanship Hunter looking for a raid team/guild to call home. Might be willing to realm-transfer depending on circumstance but not likely, would prefer to stay on WrA if I can. If anyone knows of a good guild with a well-performing raid team please let me know.
Okay, so this is the first part of three; that will cover a major part of the story.
So Anduin and Wrathion nearly make it out of Northrend, but are intercepted by Varian and Valeera, who were sent by the Lich King to recapture Anduin. A nasty fight ensues but the two are outmatched, especially Anduin who still can’t bring himself to hurt his father.
However, with Valeera’s dagger edging towards Wrathion’s heart, Anduin snaps and allows the void to fully consume his form.