



please watch this cat talking to her babies

if any of my posts deserved to get a lot of notes its this one

yooo it’s me, cat, your resident cat to give you some neato burrito information about what she’s doing in this video

effectively? mothercat is counting her kittens.


you see cats do this before they leave their kittens to go hunt, or drink, or lay in the sun, or whatever she’s doing that day, and they do it again after. it’s basically her calling, and the kittens responding. she’ll do it until all of them are accounted for. if she can’t find one (and she will know if one isn’t responding) she will become very distressed.

it’s also her way of quickly assessing her kittens. a healthy kitten has bright, happy peeps like the kitten here. a sick kitten would sound reedier, weaker, or unable to mew at all.

all kittens sound different, and mothercat can tell the difference between one baby’s peep and another. if verbal contact fails, she will use smell to seek out and check on her kittens.

mothercats are neat as hell

a+ to the mothercats.

I love the whiny baby with the white face and paws the most.