
To my intense joy, I managed to end up on @merwild’s wait-list. It was incredibly worth it for this beautiful piece they drew of my brawny spell-breaker turned death knight, Tziska Shadowspite. Though she’s often pictured with a sword, her true skill is with the magic of the written word – runes, spell-scrolls, and tattooed skin magic. Merwild captured this more scholarly version of Tziska to an absolute tee.

I am beyond words to describe how pleased I am with this piece. From the little details of frostbite to the design of her clothes to the sharpness of her cheekbones, this is perfection. It’s a great companion piece to the one I commissioned earlier of her brother, Zayneth Shadowspite. Thank you, Merwild, for turning my imaginings into something I could look at!