
I’m sure you’re all pretty familiar with my very lovely cat, Guinness, whom I post a LOT about.

It’s come to our attention today that he’s urinating blood, and screeching, and peeing all over the house. We just recently took him to the vet after having very similar issues a week or two ago, where he stayed for three whole days (which is why his tail is partially shaved in the recent pictures.) We followed the doctor’s orders, and have him all of his meds, but now the issue is back.

His last vet bill was pretty alarming, and this next one is gonna hit us pretty hard financially.

I really really hate to ask for help, but we really need it right now. My partner and I are having a really hard time finding jobs, and we just got through with moving, so we’re a bit financially exhausted.

Any little bit will help, please, please signal boost this, at the very least. Our little Gin-Gin could really use all the help he can get right now. This cat is our entire world, and it’s heartbreaking to hear him in so much pain.

If you’re interested in donating, my paypal is, any and all funds will immediately go towards vet bills, and our cat’s prescriptions.

If you’re interested in supporting us via buying my art, so that you’re getting a little something for your money, you can email me at, or send me a direct message here.

Thank you so much for reading. ;u;