Month: April 2017



a nsa agent in a suit looking through my laptop camera: she’s on her phone…….. our data shows that she’s got tumblr open on her laptop but she has tumblr open on her phone………. double check her browser?

some nerd hired straight out of college: *types rapidly* she’s definitely got tumblr open on her laptop

the nsa agent, softly: so why is she looking at it on her phone…..

My husband and myself have served in the military. When we call home from overseas, our lines are monitored and on a short delay so no sensitive information is revealed. The line will just go dead if you say something you’re not supposed to.

Now, these calls are monitored by a department in the military called Signal corps. When we’d talk on my husband’s last deployment, we had a running joke that we said hi to “Signal Guy Fred.”

So this continued for his entire 12 month deployment, and we made sure we said hi or bye to “Signal Guy Fred” every phone call. On his final phone call before returning home we made sure to thank “Signal Guy Fred” for his time and wish him farewell.

So, before I disconnect the call, I wish “Fred” the best and thank him for his service. My phone was on speaker mode (I was cooking dinner) and my finger was hovering over the end call button when I hear the softest little, “My name’s Jason.”


My demon hunter lore is mostly passable for general “lore abiding” RP but some of the details I’m sketchy on. Like how specifically their vision works, so I just improvise that while Drydar can see demons and energies and etc and can take cues on stuff the actual physical details of some things are totally lost on him. He has to guess based on things he saw before the Third War. He thinks Pandaren are just larger, round furbolgs with kind voices. Someone tried to use an analogy when talking to him last night about what Drydar sees when he looks in a mirror and it went over his head and he admitted that he can’t look in a mirror and doesn’t know. When there’s no demons around he doesn’t know what to do with himself because demon hunting is all he knows. He gets nervous and shy and misses environmental cues and walks into doors.

No one has bothered to correct the details of demon hunter vision to me because everyone’s just letting me roll with this.

Here’s some elaboration from the Illidan novel.

 Vandel’s vision goes from:

Glowworms of color writhed across his field of vision. At first they had given him hope he might be starting to see again, but now he thought his mind was playing tricks on him, pretending to see things whenever he heard others near.


Vandel’s head spun faster, Lights flickered all around him.
He lashed out with his hand, seeking to strike at the lights. They moved away. Rage surged within him. The worms of light were everywhere, covering everything. They filled the space surrounding him.He heard a whimper from a mass of sickly green, knew it was a feverish elf.
He twisted to where Illidan stood and he saw a blaze of light. If he looked closely, it appeared to be a winged shape.

to, 24 pages later, (and a month in the story):

He looked around him again. Illidan had been right. He could see things now as well as ever he ad seen when he possessed eyes of flesh. Better. Darkness obscured nothing.
The mirror showed him that a fel green glow had replaced his eyes. It intensified when he used the power.

So there u go. Basically anywhere from as blind as a bat to literally Superman.

miyku:Blackwatch Genji


Blackwatch Genji



tumblr already had a memories function like facebook and you can activate it by pissing off a 13 yr old enough for them to go through your blog and find something problematic you posted from 4 years ago




tumblr already had a memories function like facebook and you can activate it by pissing off a 13 yr old enough for them to go through your blog and find something problematic you posted from 4 years ago


taniart:Not gonna lie. I already knew and loved him before playing the game, so when a zora stopped me in the middle of my adventure to bring me to their prince I just shouted at the screen “YES, TAKE ME TO YOUR LEADER”


Not gonna lie. I already knew and loved him before playing the game, so when a zora stopped me in the middle of my adventure to bring me to their prince I just shouted at the screen “YES, TAKE ME TO YOUR LEADER”


y’all i am really lookin to pay some ppl to draw me some koltira rn!! who’s got their commissions goin and can draw a pretty elf mans


Muses That I, Personally, Would Like to Interact With, So if You’ve Got One Lurking in the Back of Your Mind, Please Let Them Out if It is Not an Inconvenience 

  • Highlord Darion Mograine
  • Blood-Queen Lana’thel
  • Archlich Kel’Thuzad
  • Dar’khan Drathir
  • Drakuru
  • Traitor King Anub’arak
  • Have You Noticed that These Guys Are/Were Scourge
    • Do You Get the Underlying Message
    • More Scourge = Good
    • Less Scourge = Sad
      • Unless You’re a Paladin, Then It’s the Opposite
  • All the ICC and Naxx Bosses Basically
    • And the Dozen or So Scourge Dungeon Bosses
      • Look, It’s Late, I’m Not Typing Them All Down