Month: April 2017

syndromestore: Dress



alynissia: ehh I may as well post these this is my “trying to stay up just a little bit later than 7PM and go to bed at a more reasonable time” sketch, and I’m trying to branch out of just, human faces again because e u gh i’ve done too many recently


ehh I may as well post these

this is my “trying to stay up just a little bit later than 7PM and go to bed at a more reasonable time” sketch, and I’m trying to branch out of just, human faces again because e u gh i’ve done too many recently

quartervirus: Sketch request from last week’s livestream. There were some great requests and we all had a lot of fun, but by far the best suggestion was for a heavy metal troll that soon spiraled out of control. Some brainstorming later we determined he’s a badass


Sketch request from last week’s livestream. There were some great requests and we all had a lot of fun, but by far the best suggestion was for a heavy metal troll that soon spiraled out of control. Some brainstorming later we determined he’s a badass necromancer, raising the dead with his magical (three-stringed, because troll) guitar and some SICK SHREDDING!!

This one will definitely be modified, cleaned up, and made available as a T-shirt or print in my RB store in the future. I may even clean it up on a stream.

World of Warcraft © Blizzard
Characters and Artwork © Shamine Athena King
Want to see more WIPs, sketches, and pictures up to a week in advance? Support me on Patreon!
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raikoart: 武神



littleliongod:Just a nice jungle day.


Just a nice jungle day.

raikoart: 武神




The difference between the dialogue that Reaper uses mostly to his own team vs what the other team usually hears is so funny to me, every time I play?

Like, you know how a member of your team is more likely to use the english version of their line but you hear the native language one in killcams from the person who killed you’s perspective, stuff like that? Well, we always talk about the super edgelord voice lines that enemy reapers are more likely to use, but his alternate set is SO like, aggressively apathetic + businesslike, and it kills me. Like

Enemy Gabe teleporting:  “ D̡e͠҉at̷̕h̡͠ ̷͠c̛o͞m͝e̸͢s̡s̸͏…҉̛  ”
Friendly Gabe: “…repositioning.”

or especially with ults, it’s like: 

Enemy Gabe: -descends out of friggin nowhere- DĮ̶E̵͠,̶ ̛D͘͡IE͢,͘ ̀D̶̡͟I͟͞E͞͏!̴!́҉!̡́!̡͡!͘!͠͏!!̸̵  (strobe lights, jesse is crying, linkin park playing, etc)
Freindly Gabe: “…..Clearing the area.” v softly over the comm thingies. U turn to ask what he said and. the enemy team all just died. when did he do that.

whaoanon:Calm Down


Calm Down


