Month: January 2017




Im making a physical/mental disability bingo and running out of ideas, any help? 

Already got 

“Have you tried yoga?” – Free space

“Well I heard on Dr. Oz that…” 


“Napping for 12 hours straight”

“Why do you want to see a therapist?”

“No one tags your triggers”

“Posting depressive posts on social media…. Ironically

Forgetting your meds

Saying you cant go to work/class because of a “bad cold”

Not even your doctor believes you

The 1-10 pain scale with the emojis 

You’re forgetting

No motivation to eat or move

Can’t you just stop it?

Oh I get that too! -insert explanation that is not what you have-

added! Need 10 more

“If you really cared you’d  ____.”

bylacey: bylacey: Drawing with my new toy in bed with coffee is the best way to spend Sunday morning 💖✨ #artistsoninstagram #artstagram #doodle #illustration #art #digitalart #fanart #overwatch #ow #symmetra People have been asking–this is the 12.9″ iPad pro and the app



Drawing with my new toy in bed with coffee is the best way to spend Sunday morning 💖✨ #artistsoninstagram #artstagram #doodle #illustration #art #digitalart #fanart #overwatch #ow #symmetra

People have been asking–this is the 12.9″ iPad pro and the app is procreate! 

keeyoyo: Day 2 of Reaper 76 week: “In His Shoes” The boys go to Angela for counseling, but she’s told them repeatedly she is not that kind of doctor… I couldn’t think of anything cool for this prompt so have this silly thing :P


Day 2 of Reaper 76 week: “In His Shoes

The boys go to Angela for counseling, but she’s told them repeatedly she is not that kind of doctor…

I couldn’t think of anything cool for this prompt so have this silly thing 😛







do u ever feel like you’ve accidentally tricked certain people into thinking you are smarter and have more potential than you actually do and do you ever think about how disappointed they’ll be when you inevitably crash and burn

Fun fact: Impostor Syndrome is ridiculously common among high-achievers, particularly women. If you identify with this post, odds are pretty good that you’re exactly as smart as people think you are, and the failure you’re afraid of isn’t inevitable at all.

Even Maya Angelou stated, “I have written 11 books, but each time I think, ‘Uh oh, they’re going to find out now. I’ve run a game on everybody, and they’re going to find me out.’”

and don’t forget this is one of the psychological barriers placed in by thousands years of patriarchy and male supremacy.

My computer science professor actually talked about this on the first day, it was really cool.

Fun brutal fact: in addition to the existence of imposter syndrome, being “twice exceptional” (also known as 2e) is also a thing. That means being intellectually gifted AND ALSO having a disability that affects your ability to succeed at study or work. Such as ADHD, autism, dyslexia, dyscalculia, etc etc etc. A lot of people believe that it’s not possible to be both, but it very much is.

Society tends to have very high expectations for how well gifted people will perform. Society tends to have low expectations for how well disabled people will perform. Society tends to attribute invisible disabilities, including mental illness, to a failure of willpower or effort or a bad attitude.

So if you read this post and went “no, but seriously, this is not just low self esteem on my part, people keep thinking I’m smart and then I keep crashing and burning and disappointing them and they can’t understand why I didn’t live up to their expectations, it happens again and again and when I tell someone how I feel and ask for help, they just tell me to stop being so hard on myself and that I’ll succeed if I have more self-confidence,” it is not just you.

(Also, one of the previous posts in this thread buried the lede a little. Imposter syndrome is ridiculously common in people from underrepresented groups in academia and other high pressure/high status fields, particularly women and people of colour. Maya Angelou did not only feel out of place because she was a woman.)

This essay also totally changed my view on the intersection of impostor syndrome and mental illness.